Palm Springs, CA January 2025 MBF Conference


Special note from the YogaFit team

Please note: Trainings on Wednesday begin at 11 am and conclude at 8 pm. Trainings on Thursday through Sunday begin at 8 am and conclude by 6 pm.


Please click on the "+" below to add trainings to your registration.

View Trainings By:

Wed 01/08/2025

Thu 01/09/2025

Fri 01/10/2025

Sat 01/11/2025

Sun 01/12/2025

YogaFit YogaBarre 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
YogaFit YogaBarre

YogaFit YogaBarre is a fun and functional way to create a balanced body, mind and spirit. Utilizing principles of yoga, ballet barre, pilates, strength training and dance allows for a complete integration of fitness modalities for well-being. We utilize a barre or chair to provide stability, balance, and support as we move through exercises that target the core, glutes, arms, and legs. The major benefits are improved posture, muscle definition, weight loss, increased mobility, and reduced stress.The YogaFit Yoga Barre program helps individuals to become stronger and feel better as they perform their everyday activities.  The program is based not only on muscle balancing, but also on balancing the common postural and movement patterns we create in our daily lives. 

The average American adult spends at least 6.5 hours sitting every day and the number is higher for teenagers, according to the Washington Post (The Big Number: The average U.S. adult sits 6.5 hours a day. For teens, it’s even more. Linda Searing April 28, 2019).  This means many Americans are moving through their day with forward head posture, rounded shoulders, a lack of natural curves in the spine and a chronically tight front line.  YogaFit Yoga Barre can provide individuals with a movement practice they will enjoy at the time and for years to come. YogaFit Yoga Barre is also one of the fastest, most effective ways to burn calories and get toned.  Your students will love the functionality, fitness and fun they will experience every time they show up on their mat! 

***Virtual Trainings will receive a digital manual only.


Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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YogaFit Yoga Nidra 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
YogaFit Yoga Nidra

Experience the restorative power of Yoga Nidra, a potent, yet simple guided visualization to induce deep relaxation, in this wonderful one‐day workshop. Sometimes called “yoga sleep” or “yoga nap”, Yoga Nidra brings participants into a state between waking and sleeping, resulting in a complete physiological and psychological reset.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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Meditation and Mindfulness 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Meditation and Mindfulness

This one­-day transformational training uses a multilayered approach to mantra and chakra meditations to balance the nervous system and bring greater awareness to the mind and the body. An essential “Healer Heal Thyself” self­care tool for all yoga therapists, healthcare professionals, and yoga teachers to reflect, regroup, and be able to serve the needs of their clients and students effectively.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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YogaFit Advanced Sequencing 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
YogaFit Advanced Sequencing

Take your teaching to the next level! The YogaFit Advanced Sequencing Training will allow yoga practitioners to work from every angle of the yoga mat while challenging the mind and body. Engage students of every skill level with new asana and vinyasa flows using the YogaFit method sequencing technique. This training also introduces yoga variations of high-intensity interval training to build strength and cardiovascular fitness to your yoga practice. Elevate your mind and body with these new vinyasa flows.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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Somatosensory Yoga 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Somatosensory Yoga

Somatosensory yoga is a type of yoga practice that focuses on the sensory experience of the body through movements and postures. It emphasizes the use of internal sensations, such as breath and muscle contractions, to guide and refine physical movements. The somatosensory cortex is a part of the brain that processes sensory information from the body, including touch, temperature, and pain. This part of the brain gets strongly activated during traumatic and stressful events and especially ones that elicit the Fight-Flight-Freeze response. The body prepares for either fighting off the threat (fight), running away from it (flight), or shutting down and becoming immobile (freeze) to minimize harm. This is an adaptive response during a stressful event but if this pattern is left unresolved or is constantly activated then it can cause our neurophysiology to become stuck “on” or stuck” off”. Somatosensory yoga practices can help to flip the switch off or back on depending on our state of hyper or hypo arousal and gets to the source of these unresolved tension patterns in the body-mind.


Somatics refers to the study of the conscious control of movement and posture. It includes various movement practices and therapies aimed at re-educating the mind-body connection and improving movement efficiency. This somatosensory workshop involves practices and exercises that integrate principles of somatics into a yoga practice, with the goal of improving body awareness, reducing tension and pain, and enhancing overall movement and well-being. The main difference between traditional Yoga and Somatic Yoga is that our main intention is to not stretch a muscle. Instead, we help to reprogram and strengthen the brain-to-muscle connection. We accomplish this through a technique called pandiculation. Most often the root cause of muscular pain is found in the brain, this is called sensory motor amnesia. Somatic yoga practices are corrective therapeutic exercises that help to resolve this amnesia and repattern muscles from the level of the brain and the somatosensory cortex activation.


Ironically when you stretch, you can actually increase tension in the body by applying force to lengthen a group of muscles which also places stress on the surrounding connective tissues to include tendons and ligaments. New science exploring the effects of this kind of stretching is now proving that muscles don’t particularly respond well to being stretched as a means of correcting pain and postural imbalances. Pandiculation is the solution to this stretching problem. When you pandiculate a muscle, you alternate between mindful muscular engagement, then slow disengagement, followed by returning to a neutral position. The technique of pandiculation resets a muscle group, from the level of the sensory and motor cortexes of the brain, to its optimal length in a resting state. The immediate effect and lasting results include dramatic increase in flexibility, mobility, coordination, and a more effortless feeling of overall wellbeing.


Somatic movement practices are designed to erase the cause of chronic pain and tension and empower the brain-to-muscle connection. These practices are a synthesis of traditional yoga postures and somatic therapeutic re-education movements all linked together in a vinyasa style slow that incorporates breathing, mediation and guided imagery to provide a holistic and systemic approach to resetting these mind-body connections that have been chronically dysregulated, dissociated and disconnected.


Additionally in this workshop, we will explore the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and its connection to trauma and stress and the fight flight freeze response. The RAS is a group of neurons in the brainstem that play a role in regulating arousal and attention. It acts as a filter for incoming sensory information, determining which stimuli are important enough to reach conscious awareness. This understanding helps us to deepen our knowledge of trauma and what is most helpful therapeutically from a sensory standpoint. We will work with a concept called Sensory stacking to help repattern and reprogram our RAS system back to its original state of homeostasis. We will be using a sensory tool called the Nabosa neuroball during this workshop. 

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

To purchase the ball please use this link¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAuOieBhAIEiwAgjCvcjU02Jmxr4Q0W5Nxj-j7uGFltsA1JpCwTf_jMXCl92mihxHIS-iygxoC3n0QAvD_BwE

use code YOGAFIT for 10% savings

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Anatomy and Alignment 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Anatomy and Alignment

This two-day interactive module explores the musculoskeletal anatomy and biomechanics you need to know in order to safely and effectively teach hatha yoga classes. You may take this workshop at any time that fits with your schedule.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.8 ACE CECs
16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Ayurveda I 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Ayurveda I

Learn ways to adapt the principles of yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, to your yoga classes and for your clients in this two-­day intensive. By taking into account health challenges, age, seasons of the year, times of day, and myriad other factors, Ayurveda can help you more effectively meet the needs of your students, your clients (and yourself) on and off the mat. Combines lecture, discussion and practice.

Continuing Education Credits:

16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

Note: This course fulfills part of the requirements for the YogaFit 100-hour Ayurvedic Coaching Certificate. If taking this course as part of the 100 Hr. Ayurveda Specialty track, please contact Aimee Marshall @ with any questions.

***Virtual Trainings will receive a digital manual only. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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The human biofield contains the record of our memories and the blueprint of our physical bodies embedded as energy and information in standing waves within this structure.  In this training, through the use of tuning forks and sound bowls, we will learn to hear the field to gain information about the client and integrate this information into the physical body for digestion and assimilation, creating a potential healing effect for the client. The tuning forks are used first as a diagnostic tool to find the dissonance in the individual’s energy field and second as a means of creating entrainment and coherence of the body with the forks and bowls.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.7 ACE CECs
18 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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LEVEL FOUR: Tradition 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
LEVEL FOUR: Tradition

Level Four continues where Level Three left off, exploring more challenging practices and the preparation for each of them. But the real emphasis is on how to weave elements of yoga's ancient tradition into your practice, life, and teaching. This four-day intensive delves deeper into the Yoga Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, and some of the more esoteric elements of yoga, such as chakras, mudras (hand gestures), and sound.

**Please noteDue to the scheduling involved with Level 4 and 5, requests to transfer out of Level 4 or 5 trainings will result in a $100 transfer fee. 

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Restorative 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
YogaFit Restorative

YogaFit’s four­-day Restorative teacher training is essential for the yoga therapist to understand how to introduce the profoundly soothing effects of this restful practice to clients and students. Using props to completely support the body, restorative yoga creates passive poses that induce a deep state of relaxation, awaken dull areas of the body, and encourage the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Note: This course fulfills part of the requirements for the YogaFit 300â€?hour teacher training. The one-day YogaFit Props training is part of this four-day workshop. However, please note that you will NOT receive a separate Props Certificate when registered for the four day Restorative Training.  To receive a Props certificate, it must be taken as a one day training at a different time.

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit HealthCare 1: Assessing the Physical Body (formerly YogaTherapy 1) 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
YogaFit HealthCare 1: Assessing the Physical Body (formerly YogaTherapy 1)

This four-­day workshop introduces the therapeutic aspects of yoga as a healing modality, and presents ways in which you can assess (postural screening and assessment) and suggest (yoga postures for common conditions).

Note: YogaFit HealthCare 1 is the new name of Yoga Therapy 1. This module is part of the YogaFit HealthCare 900-hour program and can also be applied to your YogaFit 300-hour teacher-training requirements.

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Somatics 1 Workshop: Exploring the Body's Wisdom 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Somatics 1 Workshop: Exploring the Body's Wisdom

Join us for a transformative journey into the world of somatics, where we delve deep into understanding the body's geography and unlocking its innate wisdom. In this immersive workshop, you'll discover a comprehensive framework for experiencing space and its dimensions, both within and around you, while exploring the concepts of interoception and exteroception. We'll also integrate the foundational principles of langhana and brahmana from yoga philosophy to enhance your somatic experience.

What to Expect:

·                     Somatic Practices for Body Awareness: Learn how to tune into the subtle nuances of your body's geography and the space around you, fostering a deep connection with interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations.

·                     Exploring Space and Dimensions: Immerse yourself in experiential exercises that expand your perception of space, inviting you to explore the multidimensional nature of your being, both internally and externally.

·                     Interoception and Exteroception: Dive into the realms of interoceptive awareness (sensing the internal state of your body) and exteroceptive awareness (perceiving the external environment), cultivating a harmonious balance between inner and outer experiences.

·                     Somatization Practices for Well-being: Discover techniques to harness the power of somatic intelligence for enhancing physiological processes, promoting holistic wellness from within.

·                     Improving Movement Efficiency: Explore somatic movement practices designed to optimize your body's efficiency and grace, integrating langhana (subtle, calming practices) and brahmana (energizing, expansive practices) to create a balanced movement experience.

·                     Advanced Somatic Techniques: Elevate your somatic journey with advanced practices that deepen your understanding of embodied awareness, fostering profound shifts in how you inhabit your body and interact with the world around you.


·                     Cultivate a deeper connection with your body's innate wisdom and the space around you.

  • Enhance your overall well-being through somatic practices, interoception, and exteroception.
  • Improve movement efficiency and fluidity while balancing langhana and brahmana qualities.
  • Expand your perception of space and dimensions within yourself and in your external environment.
  • Experience advanced somatic techniques for profound transformation on all levels.
Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Anatomy and Alignment II 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Anatomy and Alignment II

YogaFit's second interactive Anatomy & Alignment training dives deeper into the practice of hatha yoga through the lenses of Base of Support, Center of Gravity, Skeletal Anatomy, and the physiology of stretching. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundation (Level One) 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundation (Level One)

The first step on the path toward becoming a yoga teacher or simply deepening your practice, YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundations (Level One) is accepted by most fitness centers because it provides the foundation and tools to create inspiring vinyasa yoga classes grounded in proper alignment and the safety of exercise science. 

While there are no prerequisites for this course, we do require that all attendees read Beth Shaw's YogaFit prior to attending. This book explains the foundation of our entire teacher training program, and allows for better overall understanding of the material covered in our YTT Foundations (Level One) Training. Please email with any questions about YTT Foundations (Level One)! We look forward to seeing you on the mat. 

We are also offering YTT Foundations (Level One) virtually, with live trainings via zoom.  Please click here for the schedule of Virtual YTT Foundations (Level One) Trainings.

Note: In order to receive a Certificate of Completion for YTT Foundations (Level One), you must also complete eight hours of practice teaching as a community service, in which you bring the gift of yoga, free of charge, to individuals who would not normally be exposed to yoga on a regular basis.

Upon completion of the YTT Foundations (Level One) training and Community Service hours, click here for instructions regarding obtaining your certificate. 

You have one year from the date of your YTT Foundations (Level One) Training to complete Community Service and apply for your YTT Foundations (Level One) Certificate. We do understand that sometimes life events interfere with our plans. Please email if you find that you may need an extension for completion.

Retrain: Please call Customer Service at 1-888-786-3111 to register for retrains of Level 1.  The retrain price is $199.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Yin Yoga 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
YogaFit Yin Yoga

YogaFit’s two day Yin Yoga training focuses on the other areas of our body often not considered in most yoga practices or fitness modalities. We are focused on the deeper tissues of our body: bones, joints, fascia and ligaments.  All of our tissues are important and need to be exercised so that we can achieve optimal health and vitality.  Throughout the training, we consistently work on surrendering to the pose, finding a sense of comfort through discomfort, learning to celebrate the stillness, while connecting with mindfulness.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.6 ACE CECs
16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Wed 01/08/2025

YogaFit YogaBarre

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

YogaFit YogaBarre

YogaFit YogaBarre is a fun and functional way to create a balanced body, mind and spirit. Utilizing principles of yoga, ballet barre, pilates, strength training and dance allows for a complete integration of fitness modalities for well-being. We utilize a barre or chair to provide stability, balance, and support as we move through exercises that target the core, glutes, arms, and legs. The major benefits are improved posture, muscle definition, weight loss, increased mobility, and reduced stress.The YogaFit Yoga Barre program helps individuals to become stronger and feel better as they perform their everyday activities.  The program is based not only on muscle balancing, but also on balancing the common postural and movement patterns we create in our daily lives. 

The average American adult spends at least 6.5 hours sitting every day and the number is higher for teenagers, according to the Washington Post (The Big Number: The average U.S. adult sits 6.5 hours a day. For teens, it’s even more. Linda Searing April 28, 2019).  This means many Americans are moving through their day with forward head posture, rounded shoulders, a lack of natural curves in the spine and a chronically tight front line.  YogaFit Yoga Barre can provide individuals with a movement practice they will enjoy at the time and for years to come. YogaFit Yoga Barre is also one of the fastest, most effective ways to burn calories and get toned.  Your students will love the functionality, fitness and fun they will experience every time they show up on their mat! 

***Virtual Trainings will receive a digital manual only.


Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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YogaFit Yoga Nidra

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

YogaFit Yoga Nidra

Experience the restorative power of Yoga Nidra, a potent, yet simple guided visualization to induce deep relaxation, in this wonderful one‐day workshop. Sometimes called “yoga sleep” or “yoga nap”, Yoga Nidra brings participants into a state between waking and sleeping, resulting in a complete physiological and psychological reset.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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Meditation and Mindfulness

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Meditation and Mindfulness

This one­-day transformational training uses a multilayered approach to mantra and chakra meditations to balance the nervous system and bring greater awareness to the mind and the body. An essential “Healer Heal Thyself” self­care tool for all yoga therapists, healthcare professionals, and yoga teachers to reflect, regroup, and be able to serve the needs of their clients and students effectively.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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YogaFit Advanced Sequencing

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

YogaFit Advanced Sequencing

Take your teaching to the next level! The YogaFit Advanced Sequencing Training will allow yoga practitioners to work from every angle of the yoga mat while challenging the mind and body. Engage students of every skill level with new asana and vinyasa flows using the YogaFit method sequencing technique. This training also introduces yoga variations of high-intensity interval training to build strength and cardiovascular fitness to your yoga practice. Elevate your mind and body with these new vinyasa flows.

Continuing Education Credits:

8 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Wed 01/0811:00 AM to 08:00 PM

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Thu 01/09/2025

Somatosensory Yoga

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Somatosensory Yoga

Somatosensory yoga is a type of yoga practice that focuses on the sensory experience of the body through movements and postures. It emphasizes the use of internal sensations, such as breath and muscle contractions, to guide and refine physical movements. The somatosensory cortex is a part of the brain that processes sensory information from the body, including touch, temperature, and pain. This part of the brain gets strongly activated during traumatic and stressful events and especially ones that elicit the Fight-Flight-Freeze response. The body prepares for either fighting off the threat (fight), running away from it (flight), or shutting down and becoming immobile (freeze) to minimize harm. This is an adaptive response during a stressful event but if this pattern is left unresolved or is constantly activated then it can cause our neurophysiology to become stuck “on” or stuck” off”. Somatosensory yoga practices can help to flip the switch off or back on depending on our state of hyper or hypo arousal and gets to the source of these unresolved tension patterns in the body-mind.


Somatics refers to the study of the conscious control of movement and posture. It includes various movement practices and therapies aimed at re-educating the mind-body connection and improving movement efficiency. This somatosensory workshop involves practices and exercises that integrate principles of somatics into a yoga practice, with the goal of improving body awareness, reducing tension and pain, and enhancing overall movement and well-being. The main difference between traditional Yoga and Somatic Yoga is that our main intention is to not stretch a muscle. Instead, we help to reprogram and strengthen the brain-to-muscle connection. We accomplish this through a technique called pandiculation. Most often the root cause of muscular pain is found in the brain, this is called sensory motor amnesia. Somatic yoga practices are corrective therapeutic exercises that help to resolve this amnesia and repattern muscles from the level of the brain and the somatosensory cortex activation.


Ironically when you stretch, you can actually increase tension in the body by applying force to lengthen a group of muscles which also places stress on the surrounding connective tissues to include tendons and ligaments. New science exploring the effects of this kind of stretching is now proving that muscles don’t particularly respond well to being stretched as a means of correcting pain and postural imbalances. Pandiculation is the solution to this stretching problem. When you pandiculate a muscle, you alternate between mindful muscular engagement, then slow disengagement, followed by returning to a neutral position. The technique of pandiculation resets a muscle group, from the level of the sensory and motor cortexes of the brain, to its optimal length in a resting state. The immediate effect and lasting results include dramatic increase in flexibility, mobility, coordination, and a more effortless feeling of overall wellbeing.


Somatic movement practices are designed to erase the cause of chronic pain and tension and empower the brain-to-muscle connection. These practices are a synthesis of traditional yoga postures and somatic therapeutic re-education movements all linked together in a vinyasa style slow that incorporates breathing, mediation and guided imagery to provide a holistic and systemic approach to resetting these mind-body connections that have been chronically dysregulated, dissociated and disconnected.


Additionally in this workshop, we will explore the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and its connection to trauma and stress and the fight flight freeze response. The RAS is a group of neurons in the brainstem that play a role in regulating arousal and attention. It acts as a filter for incoming sensory information, determining which stimuli are important enough to reach conscious awareness. This understanding helps us to deepen our knowledge of trauma and what is most helpful therapeutically from a sensory standpoint. We will work with a concept called Sensory stacking to help repattern and reprogram our RAS system back to its original state of homeostasis. We will be using a sensory tool called the Nabosa neuroball during this workshop. 

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

To purchase the ball please use this link¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAuOieBhAIEiwAgjCvcjU02Jmxr4Q0W5Nxj-j7uGFltsA1JpCwTf_jMXCl92mihxHIS-iygxoC3n0QAvD_BwE

use code YOGAFIT for 10% savings

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Anatomy and Alignment

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Anatomy and Alignment

This two-day interactive module explores the musculoskeletal anatomy and biomechanics you need to know in order to safely and effectively teach hatha yoga classes. You may take this workshop at any time that fits with your schedule.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.8 ACE CECs
16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Ayurveda I

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Ayurveda I

Learn ways to adapt the principles of yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, to your yoga classes and for your clients in this two-­day intensive. By taking into account health challenges, age, seasons of the year, times of day, and myriad other factors, Ayurveda can help you more effectively meet the needs of your students, your clients (and yourself) on and off the mat. Combines lecture, discussion and practice.

Continuing Education Credits:

16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

Note: This course fulfills part of the requirements for the YogaFit 100-hour Ayurvedic Coaching Certificate. If taking this course as part of the 100 Hr. Ayurveda Specialty track, please contact Aimee Marshall @ with any questions.

***Virtual Trainings will receive a digital manual only. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.



Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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08:00 AM - 06:00 PM


The human biofield contains the record of our memories and the blueprint of our physical bodies embedded as energy and information in standing waves within this structure.  In this training, through the use of tuning forks and sound bowls, we will learn to hear the field to gain information about the client and integrate this information into the physical body for digestion and assimilation, creating a potential healing effect for the client. The tuning forks are used first as a diagnostic tool to find the dissonance in the individual’s energy field and second as a means of creating entrainment and coherence of the body with the forks and bowls.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.7 ACE CECs
18 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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LEVEL FOUR: Tradition

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

LEVEL FOUR: Tradition

Level Four continues where Level Three left off, exploring more challenging practices and the preparation for each of them. But the real emphasis is on how to weave elements of yoga's ancient tradition into your practice, life, and teaching. This four-day intensive delves deeper into the Yoga Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, and some of the more esoteric elements of yoga, such as chakras, mudras (hand gestures), and sound.

**Please noteDue to the scheduling involved with Level 4 and 5, requests to transfer out of Level 4 or 5 trainings will result in a $100 transfer fee. 

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Restorative

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

YogaFit Restorative

YogaFit’s four­-day Restorative teacher training is essential for the yoga therapist to understand how to introduce the profoundly soothing effects of this restful practice to clients and students. Using props to completely support the body, restorative yoga creates passive poses that induce a deep state of relaxation, awaken dull areas of the body, and encourage the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Note: This course fulfills part of the requirements for the YogaFit 300â€?hour teacher training. The one-day YogaFit Props training is part of this four-day workshop. However, please note that you will NOT receive a separate Props Certificate when registered for the four day Restorative Training.  To receive a Props certificate, it must be taken as a one day training at a different time.

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit HealthCare 1: Assessing the Physical Body (formerly YogaTherapy 1)

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

YogaFit HealthCare 1: Assessing the Physical Body (formerly YogaTherapy 1)

This four-­day workshop introduces the therapeutic aspects of yoga as a healing modality, and presents ways in which you can assess (postural screening and assessment) and suggest (yoga postures for common conditions).

Note: YogaFit HealthCare 1 is the new name of Yoga Therapy 1. This module is part of the YogaFit HealthCare 900-hour program and can also be applied to your YogaFit 300-hour teacher-training requirements.

Continuing Education Credits:

2.8 ACE CECs
32 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Thu 01/0908:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Fri 01/1008:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Add Training

Fri 01/10/2025

Sat 01/11/2025

Somatics 1 Workshop: Exploring the Body's Wisdom

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Somatics 1 Workshop: Exploring the Body's Wisdom

Join us for a transformative journey into the world of somatics, where we delve deep into understanding the body's geography and unlocking its innate wisdom. In this immersive workshop, you'll discover a comprehensive framework for experiencing space and its dimensions, both within and around you, while exploring the concepts of interoception and exteroception. We'll also integrate the foundational principles of langhana and brahmana from yoga philosophy to enhance your somatic experience.

What to Expect:

·                     Somatic Practices for Body Awareness: Learn how to tune into the subtle nuances of your body's geography and the space around you, fostering a deep connection with interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations.

·                     Exploring Space and Dimensions: Immerse yourself in experiential exercises that expand your perception of space, inviting you to explore the multidimensional nature of your being, both internally and externally.

·                     Interoception and Exteroception: Dive into the realms of interoceptive awareness (sensing the internal state of your body) and exteroceptive awareness (perceiving the external environment), cultivating a harmonious balance between inner and outer experiences.

·                     Somatization Practices for Well-being: Discover techniques to harness the power of somatic intelligence for enhancing physiological processes, promoting holistic wellness from within.

·                     Improving Movement Efficiency: Explore somatic movement practices designed to optimize your body's efficiency and grace, integrating langhana (subtle, calming practices) and brahmana (energizing, expansive practices) to create a balanced movement experience.

·                     Advanced Somatic Techniques: Elevate your somatic journey with advanced practices that deepen your understanding of embodied awareness, fostering profound shifts in how you inhabit your body and interact with the world around you.


·                     Cultivate a deeper connection with your body's innate wisdom and the space around you.

  • Enhance your overall well-being through somatic practices, interoception, and exteroception.
  • Improve movement efficiency and fluidity while balancing langhana and brahmana qualities.
  • Expand your perception of space and dimensions within yourself and in your external environment.
  • Experience advanced somatic techniques for profound transformation on all levels.
Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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Anatomy and Alignment II

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Anatomy and Alignment II

YogaFit's second interactive Anatomy & Alignment training dives deeper into the practice of hatha yoga through the lenses of Base of Support, Center of Gravity, Skeletal Anatomy, and the physiology of stretching. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundation (Level One)

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundation (Level One)

The first step on the path toward becoming a yoga teacher or simply deepening your practice, YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundations (Level One) is accepted by most fitness centers because it provides the foundation and tools to create inspiring vinyasa yoga classes grounded in proper alignment and the safety of exercise science. 

While there are no prerequisites for this course, we do require that all attendees read Beth Shaw's YogaFit prior to attending. This book explains the foundation of our entire teacher training program, and allows for better overall understanding of the material covered in our YTT Foundations (Level One) Training. Please email with any questions about YTT Foundations (Level One)! We look forward to seeing you on the mat. 

We are also offering YTT Foundations (Level One) virtually, with live trainings via zoom.  Please click here for the schedule of Virtual YTT Foundations (Level One) Trainings.

Note: In order to receive a Certificate of Completion for YTT Foundations (Level One), you must also complete eight hours of practice teaching as a community service, in which you bring the gift of yoga, free of charge, to individuals who would not normally be exposed to yoga on a regular basis.

Upon completion of the YTT Foundations (Level One) training and Community Service hours, click here for instructions regarding obtaining your certificate. 

You have one year from the date of your YTT Foundations (Level One) Training to complete Community Service and apply for your YTT Foundations (Level One) Certificate. We do understand that sometimes life events interfere with our plans. Please email if you find that you may need an extension for completion.

Retrain: Please call Customer Service at 1-888-786-3111 to register for retrains of Level 1.  The retrain price is $199.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.

Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

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YogaFit Yin Yoga

08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

YogaFit Yin Yoga

YogaFit’s two day Yin Yoga training focuses on the other areas of our body often not considered in most yoga practices or fitness modalities. We are focused on the deeper tissues of our body: bones, joints, fascia and ligaments.  All of our tissues are important and need to be exercised so that we can achieve optimal health and vitality.  Throughout the training, we consistently work on surrendering to the pose, finding a sense of comfort through discomfort, learning to celebrate the stillness, while connecting with mindfulness.

Continuing Education Credits:

1.6 ACE CECs
16 Yoga Alliance CEUs

Ask us about payment plans! Email or phone 833-964-2348.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our #1 Priority at YogaFit is your satisfaction. Which means we stand by our trainings 100%. If you have a problem with a Training, we will fix it. Notify us within 7-days of your course, and you will be able to retake it for free. With a different Trainer, either on-line or in-person. Your choice. Just reach out to our Customer Satisfaction Team. We’re here for you. Guaranteed.


Training Time:

Sat 01/1108:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Sun 01/1208:00 AM to 06:00 PM

Add Training

Sun 01/12/2025


Pricing based on Early Bird Rate. Added trainings will update pricing below


Regular Price: $0

Register now

Rate Early Bird
Ends 12/27/2024

Days 0

Total $0



Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs


1600 N Indian Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92262


Included in Resort Fee

Hotel Phone



Room Rates:

Occupancy Single Double Triple Quad
Standard Room One King Bed $165.00 $165.00 $190.00 $215.00
Standard Room Two Queen Bed $165.00 $165.00 $190.00 $215.00

RESORT FEE: A resort fee will apply to all guest rooms. This fee is $20.00 per room per day plus applicable taxes which is

currently 13.5% Occupancy Tax, applicable California Tourism Assessment Fee, which is currently 0.195%, and the

Riverside Assessment, which is currently 3% (all subject to change).

The Resort Fee includes the following:

  • Self-Parking for one (1) standard-sized vehicle
  • Access to Wireless Internet Services in Guestrooms
  • Fitness Center Access
  • In Room Coffee & Tea
  • Incoming Faxes
  • Bicycle Usage
  • Golf Bag Storage

Rooms must be reserved by Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The hotel will not guarantee rooms available at our rate beyond the cut-off date.

Call (866) 403-1925 to make your reservation.

Additional Info:

Save the Date and Get Ready to Join us in Sunny Palm Springs!! We will update the Trainings being offered soon!!

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at a MBF Conference?

Mind Body Fitness Conferences are 5 days of trainings held in large cities all over the US and Canada.  Each day begins with a complimentary Master Class, led by one of our dynamic YogaFit Trainers.  Please check the individual conference for training start and end times.  Save your energy, because the fun continues each evening with different educational sessions/lectures. In the past, these sessions have included Essential Oils, Thai Massage, Neuroscience and Yoga lecture series, Make a Mala workshops, Business workshops, and more.  Each conference offers a variety of trainings for those attendees just starting out on their RYT 200 path through trainings for our Yoga Therapy Program.  YogaFit highly recommends attending Level 4 at a conference so that you can fully immerse yourself in this life-changing 4-5 days of learning and experiencing. Our conferences offer an opportunity to interact with our YogaFit Trainers, as well as members of our corporate staff.  Last, but not least, we have a merchandise boutique open throughout each conference, where you can pick up the latest music, books, clothes, etc.  Don't wait...register for an MBF Conference today!

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Thank you! Click here to see more information on our referral program. Currently we are offering $50 credits for each person you refer that signs up for a YogaFit training.